Monday, October 17, 2005

Disarmament Referendum in Brazil

On October 23rd 2005, all eligible citizens will be required to vote, responding to the question YES or NO to the question, "Should the sale of all types of firearms and ammunition be prohibited in Brazil?"

The debate on gun control is a heated one and opinion is divided. While many Brazilians are against gun violence and would like to lead safer lives, many argue that curbing the arm trade will do little to stop criminals from using them and will further encourage illegal gun trade.

  • Read the following articles and check where the information comes from
  • Draw a list of words related to the subject
  • Decide whether they are biased for or against disarmament and show how
  • List the arguments for and against
  1. Tough clash ahead in Brazil referendum to ban guns
  2. Rare drop in gun deaths in Brazil
  3. Brazilians to vote on gun ban
  4. Historic Decision: Disarmament Statute Passed In Congress
  5. Confessions of an Unarmed American Living in Brazil

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

How to start the exchange

In order to make your exchange easier, you may want to follow these steps:

  • Go to the Dekita Exchange Page
  • Grab the P2P button code (click on the link at the top on the right) and paste it in your blog template (preferably before/after your Atom button).


  • Preview before saving and if you are satisfied with the result, save your template.
  • Go back to the Dekita exchange page and choose a class from the list given on the right.
  • Click on the link and check the blogroll (links to student individual blogs)
  • Scan the different blogs and choose a person (or persons) to correspond with. Leave the window open so that you can copy the address (es) of the blog(s) to your Bloglines account.
  • Go to your Bloglines account
  • Click on the edit button and create a folder Correspondents and another one with the name of the country you have chosen.
  • Add the address(es) of your correspondent(s) to the corresponding country folder. In this way, every time they update their blogs, you will be notified through your Bloglines account.
  • Go back to your correspondent´s blog, read it thoroughly and leave a comment introducing yourself, leaving the address of your blog so you can keep in touch.

Happy corresponding!

Friday, September 09, 2005

1les 05


This is a class of 29 11th grade (6th form) students attending the literary/economic series at the Franco-Brazilian school in Sao Paulo. The level of English is heterogeneous, from lower-intermediate to advanced and our school year goes from February to December. We meet 3 times a week for 50 minutes and one of these classes is in the computer lab.

Meet us at Flickr and we would like to invite you to exchange ideas in our group Holiday Surprises and Everyday Scenes

Here are the links to our individual blogs

Monday, August 22, 2005

Work II

a) After answering the comments made on your blogs, please explore the Canadian site " The Way we Work"

b) Read two or three articles or interviews, sum up/report (do not forget to link the source) on your blog what you have read and make a personal comment on a point that strikes your attention or seems relevant to you.

c) At the bottom of your post, indicate the new vocabulary you have come across, or vocabulary connected to work that you would like to remember, together with an explanation of the meaning and/or translation to Portuguese or French.

You may want to use Wordreference or Thesaurus

Monday, August 15, 2005


  • Brainstorm and jot down words and concepts connected to work.
  • At a second moment, you may want to use the Thesaurus Don't just copy and paste but choose the words YOU relate to the concept.
  • Check through your bloglines account what the others have included in their blogs.
  • Comment on the other blogs words/concepts you do not understand, you would like to clarify or discuss.
  • Retrieve all words/concepts from the other blogs on Notepad, classify them in categories and post it in your blog.
  • Comment on the result of your findings (the frequency of some words/concepts and the main ideas your colleagues have of work).